May 2022

Meeting minutes will be posted here.
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May 2022

Post by MARKP »

Motion to approve 3/22 minutes (no quorum for April meeting), 1st Paul, 2nd Ryan approved

Officer Attendees
• Paul McFall, Mark Pilson, Jeff Cox, John Brown, Ryan Jarrard, Eric Anderson, Ted Visscher, John Ward

Treasurer report
• $63k in bank balance
• SEDiv dues paid and van insurance paid
• 2021 tax extension filed
• 2 weeks from having 2019 amended and 2020 filed
• Motion to approve 1st Ryan, 2nd John W. approved

Rally X Report
• Discussion about retrieving equipment from Frazier Motorsports

Solo Report
• Need transportation for van and trailer to Bristol for next event
• Need to rent pay for Smokies events
• Motion to approve $1350 per event at Smokies for 3 events and approve contract for Bristol, 1st Ryan, 2nd Ted, approved

Hillclimb Report
• Approval for participation in Appalachian Hillclimb Series, charter as shown on the ETRSCCA website forum 1st Paul, 2nd Ted, approved

Misc New Business
• Discussion about Flatrock

Motion to adjourn, 1st - Eric, 2nd – Ted, approved

Items passed online in March, after board meeting
• Online motion not yet passed – Reimburse Ben for $32.76 for headsets for start and trailer.
Mark Pilson
03 Z06 - Sword
09 Mustang - Club
01 Excursion - The safe you dropped from the 10th story
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