Is there intrest in starting up in 2023?

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Is there intrest in starting up in 2023?

Post by SeanDrives4Fun »

I am in a position to facilitate the bringing together members who will lead Rallycross into the next phase. The proposed site is just off Calhoun exit (I-75 south of us) the responsibilities for hosting the event would be shared between East Tennessee Region and Chattanooga Region SCCA. This was in the preliminary stages a few months back but a hospital stay for the CRSCCA rep and lack of commitment on our end set it aside.
This is a request for someone capable and committed to say so. Greg Miller and I will help facilitate the startup and I may possible continue as a participant.
Feel free to call or text me directly with questions and yes's.
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Re: Is there intrest in starting up in 2023?

Post by jcox07 »

There was never a lack of commitment, we do not have any timing equipment and until we either get the timing equipment back or buy new timing equipment we can not proceed with a joint venture with Chat region as they have no timing equipment either and I would like to start the rally program as soon as possible as long as we have the ability to have timing equipment available for events. Jeff
JY ( Jeff ) Cox
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Re: Is there intrest in starting up in 2023?

Post by SeanDrives4Fun »

Oh Jeff, and its appreciated!
I know we have commitment from the board, I'm looking for commitment from members to take on the responsibilities I've had my hands into. Cordinate, promote, site prep, safety and post event site restoration.
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Re: Is there intrest in starting up in 2023?

Post by SeanDrives4Fun »

What I see:
When we started -we used cheap stop watches, as did Holleytree. i don't think gear is our concern, sure its a major disappointment we lost all that investment of money by the board, same for donations of a score board by a member, and my hours rebuilding the trailer into what it became, but we've ran events on very little gear. We need dedication, and I'm not prepared to provide it. I am prepared to help someone else who wants to step up and get things going. If Rally Cross is something we (etr) want to continue at this time, I haven't heard anything to the contrary.
This can be my last post on the matter, and i apologize if I've spoke out of turn.
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Re: Is there intrest in starting up in 2023?

Post by jcox07 »

Not at all Sean, but unless you or Greg have someone in mind that wants to step up and take over the program or someone that wants to help Chatty folks run the program together that would be great but it will take a dedicated person or persons to help support the program and if you all have someone in mind, have them come to the next meeting and we can talk with all the parties involved and see where we are at....JY
JY ( Jeff ) Cox
2018-2021, 2022, 2023 Solo Nationals Co Chairman
2010 GT500
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