Some important info for you. Please read through and see the important links below.
Most of you are aware of the website issue where it's not displaying in some browsers due to the lack of SSL. We worked out a plan this morning and will be doing the actual updates to correct this after the 4/14 Bristol event. There are some domain-level changes that we need to work through which will very likely disrupt the site for a few days. At that point, you may have little to no access to the website, the forum, and live results (the last part is why we are waiting until after the Bristol event.)
Using FireFox or other browsers besides Chrome should always work to get to live timing and results links below. Sometimes Chrome will work depending on your device, your settings, and what side of the bed Chrome woke up on that day.
Here are some important links:
All ETR Event Registrations:
Live timing:
2024 Results:
Website Update
Website Update
Chris Harp
2014 Porsche Cayman S | 2018 Toyota Tundra | 2011 BMW M3
2014 Porsche Cayman S | 2018 Toyota Tundra | 2011 BMW M3